Month: April 2010

Lesson of the day : .NET 1.1, 2.0 and 64 bits

Today at work we had an issue with a web app that does a call to a DB. That error was : invalid cast.

After searching to know what was going on and not without frustration I noticed that the application migrated was built on the 1.1 .Net framework. Unfortunately, the new server only have the 2.0 version. Not that big of a deal since 1.1 and 2.0 framework can co-exist side by side. But there is an IF, that if being that if the 2.0 framework run in 64 bits mode, 1.1 can not run side by side unless you run 2.0 in 32 bits…

I guess the dev will need to some little coding… đŸ™‚

P.S : I know 1.1 support 64 bits environments, but like I said, it can’t run with 2.0 in 64 bits mode…

iPhone 4G ”found” and demonstrated on

Good Monday everyone,

Today interesting news is what could be the next iPhone. It seem that someone from Apple or one of Apple manufacturers ”lost” a iPhone in the wild and that it end-up on Gizmodo web site. You can find images and video’s of the device in the URL bellow… It look’s cool.

Now let’s see what Apple and Mr. Jobs will do about that đŸ™‚ I think some furnitures flyed in Apple office this morning… đŸ˜‰

Sharepoint apps deploiement.

Today has been a bad day for me as a Sharepoint deployment manager. Seem that I had te reboot the entire pre prod web farm because of a hanged retraction. It look like even the front end web server had to be rebooted in order to have the task being dropped by Sharepoint. Even a manual operation with stsadm was not an option. Look’s like I should have remember that a reboot in a MS software world is as natural as not to in the Linux world. Still happy that this was in pre prod env.

It feel good to talk about it.

My first post !

Hi Everyone,

Another blog in the ocean of available one out there. Why do I suddenly want to BLOG… Well, I wanted to started to write articles about products in the world of Apple.

unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to have any way to write something on a ”correct known” board. Snif snif…

So here I am…

On that, just so I can fill this BLOG with useful information’s, I will also post articles of my own or other on any subjects concerning the computer world. Theses articles will mostly concern the infrastructures world of any kind. I am a huge Apple fan, but there is other stuff out there, so why not check around… Like I alway say, it’s not because your plate is full that you can’t look at what’s in the buffet !

P.S : Sorry for my bad English writing, I mostly write in French usually…